
Drawbacks of Present Curriculum of the Secondary School

Drawbacks of Present Curriculum of the Secondary School
Drawbacks of Present Curriculum of the Secondary School

Drawbacks of Present Curriculum of the Secondary School

Drawbacks of The Present Curriculum of the Sec ondary School – An Analysis :- A careful analytical study of the Secondary School Curriculum existing today reveals a number of defects in its planning, construction and realisation of the purposes. These drawbacks seem to be closely associated with the principles of curriculum construction; broad goals of education as laid in the constitution and the socio-cultural and political environments of the student population in India. The main defects highlighted are the following:

(i) A philosophy, the classification of beliefs about the pur pose and goals of education, is essential to curriculum develop ment. Such belief statements enable the educators to define the goals of education. But the present Secondary School Curriculum does not reveal a single or eclectic philosophical thought that sup ports the present system.

(ii) Educational goals are the statements of the outcomes of education. The scope of the entire educational programme of a school can be found in the goals of the school. Goals are the basic elements in educational planning. The reflection of societal needs in educational goals usually results in statements describing cat egories of human behaviour either in generality or specificity.

The New Education Policy of 1986 has redefined and restated the earlier educational goals with its focus on

(a) emphasis on the socio-economic well-being, competence and creativity of the individual;

(b) development of knowledge and skills in various areas;

(c) development of knowledge and skills in employment opportunities;

(d) integration of individual into the social system;

(e) education as a means of equalising opportunities;

(f) development of sense of right and wrong; and

(g) development of spirit and adventure and mass participa tion in various programmes. But the present curriculum is inad equate to meet with the broad goals highlighted in the policy.

(iii) The existing curriculum of the Secondary School level fails to demonstrate the ability to apply what is learned to practi cal situations in the community for improvement of life. The rea son behind this is that curriculum is not based on the needs and aspirations of the different cultural environments of the students population.

(iv) Students previous experience of the student community of different subcultures play a vital role in meaningful learning. But the present curriculum assumes the response of individuals in various subcultures will be alike. Therefore a uniform curriculum all over the country is sociologically and psychologically unsound.

(v) The democratic ideal of true citizenship through educa tion is a major goal of education. But the curricular provisions made in it are inadequate for the children to realise such a sobre ideal.

(vi) Subjects like Social Studies, English, Mathematics and Science of the Secondary School Curriculum do not reveal any real concern with the method of presenting those subjects.

(vii) School is a provision of the community to educate its children. There is a two-way relationship, one should benefit from the other. The curriculum is to meet the basic needs of the com munity members. For this, schools have to function as community centres so that material and human resources are mutually ben efited. Such a scope is apparently scanty for the curriculum focused its main attention on the intellectual aspects of the people.

(viii) Self-sufficiency through education is a long-cherished wish of the pupils. For this, education should have a vocational bias. But such an approach has not been considered in the general academic pursuit at the secondary level.

(ix) Utilisation of local resources can enhance the process of education. Curriculum has to incorporate all the available local resources, human and material to enrich it and provide it a fund of knowledge. But our local resources still remain to be unexplored by the educationists of the country.

(x) Concept of human resource development has become important as the basic postulate behind any type of education. The bases upon which human resource development rests are knowl edge, competencies and skills. These are to be imparted through the curriculum in a scientifically structured procedure.

(xi) Education is now getting globalised. Futurologists of edu cation look at education as what is happening at present. They are concerned with an ideal model of curriculum that should exist after a period of time. There may come a day when people only with real skills will be employed. Only the best people will be selected for the task. Therefore, there is the demand for skilled workers. It implies a technologisation of education and a re-orientation of all our methods of teaching. In this context the present curriculum has to be reconstructed in accordance with the changing technical and scientific innovations.

(xii) We stand at the critical crossroads of disaster. Most im portant changes expected in human beings composing the society is the imbibation of affective objectives. A curriculum with spe cial emphasis on the inculcation of character, attitude and values is of utmost importance at the critical stage.

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About the author

shubham yadav

इस वेब साईट में हम College Subjective Notes सामग्री को रोचक रूप में प्रकट करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं | हमारा लक्ष्य उन छात्रों को प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की सभी किताबें उपलब्ध कराना है जो पैसे ना होने की वजह से इन पुस्तकों को खरीद नहीं पाते हैं और इस वजह से वे परीक्षा में असफल हो जाते हैं और अपने सपनों को पूरे नही कर पाते है, हम चाहते है कि वे सभी छात्र हमारे माध्यम से अपने सपनों को पूरा कर सकें। धन्यवाद..

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